These highly detailed drag and drop graphics enable engineers and system designers to easily visualize the installed equipment to help reduce errors and rework in sales proposals and installations. Visimation ProShapes are photo-accurate equipment Visio stencils for use in system design, presentation, and documentation drawings. Each device is drawn and programmed with Visio intelligence to give you complete automation benefits of Visio's features. For example, we never use a photo or non-Visio illustration as a shape.

We don't use any shortcuts that are often found in Visio stencils available on other sites. Each and every shape we create is scaled to insert properly into a rack, device, or assembly. r/HomeNetworking - Simpler networking advice.All network equipment stencils available on ShapeSource are produced for our client companies by our Visimation team of shape developers using best practices for Visio drawing and behaviors. r/pfsense - for all things pfsense ('nix firewall) Might be able to find things useful for a lab. r/hardwareswap - Used hardware, swap hardware. r/buildapcsales - For sales on building a PC r/linux - All flavors of Linux discussion & news - not for the faint of heart!

Try to be specific with your questions if possible.

r/linux4noobs - Newbie friendly place to learn Linux! All experience levels. r/datacenter - Talk of anything to do with the datacenter here

Post about your homelab, discussion of your homelab, questions you may have, or general discussion about transition your skill from the homelab to the workplace. Please see the full rules page for details on the rules, but the jist of it is: Labporn Diagrams Tutorials News Subreddit Rules New to Homelab? Start Here! Homelab Wiki HomelabSales